CrossMaster at Me and my Droid

Press Release: CrossMaster
:: ZARAGOZA, SPAIN – MAY 26 2011 ::

Noemar Games Studio, an upcoming amateur game development team based in Spain, is glad to present their 1st game released for the Android platform called CrossMaster.

CrossMaster is a puzzle game with a simple concept. Challenges are composed by a grid of blocks, which player have to clean up by crossing them. What looks a simple task, become more complicated as only some certain number of blocks can be crossed each move and only in a row and column. If player run out of moves, he will have to reset the challenge and start again. What to cross should be considered very carefully!

As player progress, challenges increase on difficulty both in number of blocks and blocks to cross. After some easily solved levels to show the game rules, game could become quite challenge and addictive. take care!

Game is presented in 2 versions, a free ad-supported version including 30 levels of increasing difficulty and a full version including 150 levels and 2 game modes for €0.99.

Thanks for publishing the press release note!

CrossMaster available at SlideMe

Slide Me app store

In order to increase the availability of CrossMaster so you can get it from your favorite App store, we have just published CrossMaster FREE at Slide Me app store.

As anywhere else you can get it complete free at or by using the following QR code
CrossMaster FREE

CrossMaster at XDA developers news

CrossMaster at XDA Developers news…

Challenge Your Brain With CrossMaster for Android

June 2, 2011 By: egzthunder1

There is nothing better than sitting down and being able to play something challenging on your device (if you have the available time during the day, that is). Mindless shooting, driving, fighting, and other types of games are completely overrated and they get boring after a while.

However, when the game deals with puzzles, which will keep your mind active and you awake, then that is a completely different story. This seems to be the case for CrossMaster, which was developed by XDA member agascon. This game may seem simple at first, but as with any puzzle type of game, it will get harder and harder as you go along.

The instructions are rather simple: you are presented with a screen with blocks randomly placed. Your objective is to draw a line across the exact number of blocks that you are told in every turn until you clean the stage completely. You have to watch your moves as you may end up with blocks left on the screen with no way to meet the cross demand. Interesting indeed.

Thank you guys! It’s really great you put an eye in our game!

CrossMaster available on Amazon App Store

In order to increase your options to get CrossMaster, we have also published it in the Amazon App Store.

It’s available right now both the FREE and the Full Ad-free versions. Remember Amazon App Store it’s currently only available in the US, but if you live there feel free to choose where to get CrossMaster!

CrossMaster Full version

CrossMaster Free version

CrossMaster v1.0 released

Hi there!

We are proud to announce the release of our first game CrossMaster for android devices.

CrossMaster is a puzzle game with a simple concept. Challenges are composed by a grid of blocks, which player have to clean up by crossing them. What looks a simple task, become more complicated as only some certain number of blocks can be crossed each move and only in a row and column. If player run out of moves, he will have to reset the challenge and start again. What to cross should be considered very carefully!

As player progress, challenges increase on difficulty both in number of blocks and blocks to cross. After some easily solved levels to show the game rules, game could become quite challenge and addictive. take care!

Game is presented in 2 versions, a free ad-supported version including 30 levels of increasing difficulty and a full version including 150 levels and 2 game modes.

Screens of the game:

CrossMaster is right now available in the Android Market by searching CrossMaster or through one of the URL’s below:

CrossMaster full version

CrossMaster Free version


Name: CrossMaster
Operating system: Android
Developer: Noemar Games Studio
Type: Puzzle game
Release date: 24/5/2011
Published: Google Android Market


[New Game] CrossMaster

Hi there!

Here is our first game which we would release soon: CrossMaster

CrossMaster is a simple puzzle game where you have to clean the blocks in the board by crossing them.

Look easy? Maybe it’s not so as you though. You can only cross blocks in rows or columns and very important only some certain number of them each time.

At the same time, each puzzle difficulty increases over time. Higher number of blocks in the board, more blocks to cross each time and even worst a limited number of board restart in the hardest game mode.

Willing to play? Stay tuned, CrossMaster release is near!

Welcome to our weblog!

Today is a great day. Noemar Games’ blog is opening!

Thanks for your visit and stay tuned! Great games are coming!